The Greater Blue-Eared Starling, also known as the Lamprotornis chalybaeus, is a stunningly beautiful bird found in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is renowned for its striking blue and purple plumage, which makes it a favorite among bird enthusiasts and nature lovers.
The Greater Blue-Eared Starling is a medium-sized bird that measures about 20-22 cm in length and weighs approximately 75-80 g. Males are more brightly colored than females, with a metallic blue head and neck, deep purple back, and a glossy black tail (BirdLife International).
The lower breast, belly, and flanks are a chestnut-brown color, while the wings are dark blue with a greenish sheen (The Spruce).
This bird’s beauty is not just limited to its stunning colors. It has a sleek and slender body, which is ideal for quick and agile movements, making it an impressive bird to watch in flight.
The Greater Blue-Eared Starling has a varied diet that includes insects, fruit, and seeds (BirdLife International). It is a social bird that forms large flocks and is commonly found in woodlands, savannahs, and farmland.
One of the most fascinating aspects of the Greater Blue-Eared Starling is its vocal abilities. This bird has a unique range of vocalizations that include whistles, chirps, and trills.
Males are known to have more complex songs than females, which they use to attract mates and establish territory (The Spruce). The Greater Blue-Eared Starling’s vocalizations can be heard from a distance, making it a distinct and memorable bird.
Despite being a widespread and common species, the Greater Blue-Eared Starling faces threats to its survival. Habitat loss, poaching for the pet trade, and pesticide use are the main challenges that this bird is facing (BirdLife International).
Conservation efforts are underway to protect this species, including the creation of protected areas and regulation of the pet trade.