Kitten with a Shorter Leg Leads to the Rescue of Her Whole Feline Family, Helping Them Find a Better Life

A kitten with a shorter leg led to the rescue of her entire cat family, helping them find a better life. Ember LittleWanderersNYC Little Wanderers NYC, an animal rescue, received a request to help a tiny brown tabby with “a malformed leg.” When rescuers …

Cat with a Bent Ear Comes Up to People for Help, They Get Her Indoors Just in Time for Her Kittens to Arrive

A cat with a bent ear came up to kind people for help. They got her indoors just in time for her kittens to arrive. Freya Ellen Richter A few Good Samaritans noticed a stray cat with a bent ear wandering around the neighborhood and began feeding her. …

The story of the cat crying at his owner’s grave for years will make you cry too

For a year now, the image of the cat still waiting every day next to Mrs. Kundari’s grave has become a very familiar sight to people living near the burial site in the center of the island of Java, Indonesia. Because I miss the owner who has stuck with me so much,…

Tears were shed as the mother cat collapsed next to her baby’s body

Recently, Chinese public opinion is very upset with the animal abuse behavior of a pervert in Xi’an (China). This person used a knife to decapitate and disembowel two poor kittens, killing the cats. mother was suffering madly. The image of a mother cat collapsing next to the body…

Shed tears with the story of “the saddest cat in the world”

It’s not for nothing that many people call Ben Ben “the saddest cat in the world”, look, those eyes are really sad. Ben Ben often remains sad, making everyone curious about this strange cat. People call Ben Ben the cat…

Three blind cats and a story that touches thousands of hearts

At that time, they had lost their sight due to cat flu and were not treated by the previous owner. After spending some time in an animal shelter, Blue was adopted by the neighbor of his former owner, but the poor cat…

A touching story about the strength of a cat who was shunned for being too ugly

Adopted 20 cats and then starved them, causing spinal injuries. Lin applied to adopt cats from animal rescue associations, then starved them and locked them in small cages, causing many cats to fall into respiratory failure and malnutrition. treatment, spinal injury. Romeo is a cat…

The famous Shiba dog that was the most memeed on social networks passed away at the age of 12

Although you may not know the name of this dog, surely at least once you have seen a meme on social networks with an image of a yellow shiba dog with an extremely adorable expression. Accordingly, this dog’s real name is Balltze. But often people…

The paralyzed cat and the touching story behind it

Aoife, a two-year-old cat, stole the hearts of millions after her story went viral on social networks. Sabrina adopted the cat when it was 2 weeks old. Aoife was not an ordinary cat, she was born sick, with…

The cat went to the university every day to listen to lectures for 5 years, and finally he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Literature degree.

When Vermont State University’s Castleton Campus in the US recently held its 2024 commencement ceremony, the school awarded an honorary doctorate of literature to Max, a tabby cat. This move is not only appreciated by all faculty and staff but also nearly all …