St.ray Cat infiltrates the Police Station and selects Officer as his new family!

What a remarkable story, cat, and group of police officers. Glad the cat got a forever home with one of Police. 😺❤️ So.. all I have to do is walk in and sit on an officer and I can also go home with them…? 😻 Meet Kingsley, the confident cat who sneaked into Columbia Police […]

The Most Photogenic People in the World His Shar Pei and his cat are the best of friends.

Paddington the dog and Butler the cat are inseparable. The droopy Shar Pei, often dressed up in costume, patiently sits beside his feline friend, putting up with his cat antics. The best friends live with their owner Annie Jacob and three other cats in Tasmania on the south coast of Australia. One has to wonder—while […]

Today, this expressive disabled cat is here to spread positivity in our world

We’re absσlutely crazy abσut cats and we ƙnσw that yσu are, tσσ. Meet Rexie, a 7-year-σld tabby cat whσ is disabled, but is adσrable and exρressiνe. His little face can shσw sσ many distinctiνe and νiνid

A Cat With A Rare Disease Is Overjoyed To Be Adopted By His Best Friend

When Georgina Price met Toby, she knew he was the perfect person and she brought him not only home but his best friend as well. Toby the cat is six years old and looks wise beyond his years. He has feline asthenia gravis (FCA), a condition in which a cat’s skin is very fragile, loose […]

Cats carry “special mission” in maximum security prison

(Dân trí) – Hàng chục con mèo sống trong một không gian chung phía sau các bức tường nhà tù ở Mỹ. Các con vật được chăm sóc, chải chuốt và chỗ ở của chúng được dọn dẹp cẩn thận bởi các phạm nhân.

Who exactly is Larry the Cat? Twitter Goes Wild for ‘Chief Mouser’ as May Resigns

A symbol of stability through times of political upheaval, some social media users have called for Larry to step in as leader.

This Fuzzy Cat Has The Cutest Smile In The World

Around the age of a year, Pixel’s mother started to realize that he was a little more expressive than typical cats. His gorgeous smile was very contagious, and he always appeared to be smiling. Along with smiling, he also appeared to enjoy taking pictures, which made for the perfect mix. “[He] would smile and make […]

Is This A Cat: Neglected Cat’s “Octopus” Matted Fur Is Shaved Off!

This is Hidey, sσ named because she had a habit σf hiding. This ρσσr cat had been seνerely neglected and was fσund with these ρeculiar matted dreadlσcƙs that resemble an σctσρus. Hidey was brσught tσ the Animal Rescue League Shelter and Wildlife Center after her elderly σwner was taƙen tσ a nursing hσme, suffering frσm […]

Cat with many lively kittens is simply exhausted by his responsibilities as a father

Every person understands that being a parent is hard enough. As well as it doesn’t matter that you are, a person or a cat. The prominent Maine Coon named Joker comprehends flawlessly well just how it is to raise your own tomboys. Lately, he finally had four charming kitties. The other day, the Maine Coon […]

Funny trend to create a ‘dinosaur’ for pet cats

Cho mèo cưng biến hình thành khủng long đang là trào lưu được các sen quan tâm.