sleep in summer and wake up to welcome spring

Today I am writing an article about “thrush flowers”. To be honest, I don’t feel depressed after doing this research. It is not easy to write an article about a plant you have never grown. I have too much material to read that is available online.

Although the information is available to us, we are not sure of its accuracy. To be honest, the instructions for growing Vietnamese flowers seen on websites selling seeds and bulbs are too commercial. The cards are simply shuffled from page to page. The person selling seeds has no idea how to grow a tree, how it grows or what characteristics it has.

They coldly respond: “I sell seeds” when buyers ask if they have tried them. If I grow all the varieties, where will I purchase them? It’s unfortunate that there aren’t many genuine growth experiences available online while searching for something. This indicates that the ratio between those who are self-interested and those who are genuinely engaged and enthusiastic is quite high.

In the near future, I will be writing additional articles to share my knowledge and skills on growing flowers and trees. Watch it if you’re interested, please! Previously I wrote articles about gladioli, buttercups and freesia (freesia). Today I will talk about Sparaxis, a variety closely linked to freesia.


Sparaxis is very sweet and mild, while Freesia is excellent. thin leaves and stems (from the same family as the iris). The Cape Province in South Africa is home to these two species (a flower paradise). They all bloom in spring, germinate in cold, wet winters, and hibernate in scorching, dry summers. The climate in Vietnam is ideal for this trait. In my opinion, the Vietnamese winter can also help us welcome it to our precious garden.

The slender flower stems of Sparaxis resemble those of Iris, but the flowers themselves are soft and basic, with six petals and exquisite colors. Due to its strikingly vibrant hues, Sparaxis is also known by the names wand flower and harlequin flower, or even clown flower.


Well-adapted sparaxis varieties grow to a height of approximately 30 to 60 cm each year. They come in a variety of shades, including pink, purple, red, orange and white, and each flower is woven separately. It combines three different shades, which is also known as the Sparaxis tricolor. I came across an essay written by a friend of mine who used to grow sparaxis in Lahore, which has a very hot summer and a very cold winter.

Here is a link to that page.

To welcome Sparaxis to our home, we simply have to follow some of these instructions. I will include some fundamental guidelines appropriate for Vietnam.

Select a race.

Bulb selection comes first. Choose large, plump bulbs, just as you would with other flowers grown from bulbs. Discard the tuber rather than plant it if it feels soft, as it may harbor fungal diseases. particularly in a place like Vietnam where it is humid.


Invest in large bulbs or bulbs with a baby by your side, as planting a small bulb now will likely result in more flowers next year. In the fall, plant bulbs. Buy many bulbs and plant them at different times to determine the ideal growing period for the plant.

I often use this technique because the weather in our area varies annually. Since I grow flowers as a hobby, I plant them sporadically so that they bloom throughout the year, from New Year’s Day until the end of January ^^. Honestly, I wouldn’t dare tell you which flowers will or won’t bloom during Tet.

Since each year is unique, flowers and trees can bloom up to a month later. When I grow flowers, the act of the flowers blooming is already something beautiful to me. I don’t want to sell it so I won’t have to worry about Tet, hehe. I only grow it for entertainment purposes.

Prepare the land.

The most important element in preparing soil for planting is loose, well-drained soil. For most types of bulbs, this is essential. Like ranunculus, gladiolus or freesia, this is also a very important and fundamental guideline. You can mix it with the substrate in the same proportion as described in the article on freesia or place a small amount of yellow sand gravel under the tubers for optimal drainage.

Water used for irrigation.

Before planting, water the soil well. Plant the tubers after the soil has become sufficiently moistened. Plant the bulbs 3-5 cm below the surface. Water the soil after planting to help it settle. Place it in a shady location. Wait until green shoots begin to emerge from the soil before watering again.


Direct, bright morning sunlight is ideal for the plant. If you keep the flowers in the shade, they will continue to bloom. Keep out of direct sunlight when it is very hot outside. (At midday or early afternoon, or during warm weather)

A bulb can generate one to three shoots, and each shoot can provide one to three flowers. The only drawback is that sparaxis flowers only bloom for two days before wilting. On the other hand, if we plant a lot, our pot will be incredibly colorful and beautiful.


Reference video for planting:

Sparaxis is a type that can be produced as a perennial in Vietnam and in temperate zones that are warmer than zone 8. It will bloom again in the fall if you leave it in the ground. In summer, don’t forget to water. As summer fades and leaves and flowers wilt, you can also pluck them, store them in the refrigerator, and replant them as the cool fall weather arrives.

After reading and analyzing the available data, I have concluded that growing Sparaxis in your garden will produce numerous benefits, including color in your conservatory. Beautiful, charming flowers that are easy to grow and have the potential to become perennials.

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