Baboon Confronts ‘Lemongrass Lion’ Over Mother’s Fate: A Bold Showdown in the Wild

American photographer Evan Schiller and his wife were quite “stunned” by the scene in which they witnessed a small baboon rush to “scold” the lion who ate its mother, then could rush over and hug it the next minute. the enemy wanted to suckle it and was gently caressed by this huge animal. The …

Hilarious Animal Antics Captured Perfectly by Photographers

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards (CWPA) was founded by British photographer Paul Joynson-Hicks in 2015. In addition to bringing photos that bring laughter, the organizer also wants to raise awareness. High awareness of…

13 Rare Wild Cat Breeds You’ve Never Seen Before

We all know big, powerful wild cats like tigers, leopards or lions. In nature, there are hundreds of cat breeds and there are friends who have a small, cute appearance like the cat you keep and hug every day. Cats progress…

Discovery of a Rare Yellow Penguin: An Uncommon Sight in the Wild

Penguins are known as elegant gentlemen with their ‘tuxedo’ looks, but are you sure you’ve ever seen a yellow penguin? Belgian photographer Yves Adams accidentally captured this bird during a trip…